Mit name is Lene Dybdahl
I am a Danish published author.
Four of my books have been translated to English
and are on their way to being published in print
as well as in the e-book and audio book formats.
The titles so far are:
The Golden Key (Keepers of the Key #1)
The Visigoth's Helmet (Keepers of the Key #2)
The Prisoner from Wolverfield (Magismondo #1)
The Thought Whisperer from the Laguna Islands
(Magismondo #2)
The Keepers of the Key Series
The first two books in the Keepers of the Key series are translated to English and out on ebook and audio, the third book in the series is on its way very soon.
Lene Dybdahl:
Writing Magic in Denmark
Lene Dybdahl is the Danish author of seven published fantasy novels at Tellerup. Her fantasy series ‘Nøglens Vogtere’ (Keepers of the Key) has been said to be ‘The Da Vinci Code for Kids’ and her writing has been compared to The Children of the Lamp series by P. B. Kerr. Her fantasy series ‘Ovanienprofetierne’ (The Ovania Profecies) was featured in the Danish Literary Magazine at the London Book Fair.

Who is Lene Dybdahl?
My name is Lene Dybdahl, and I am the author of nine fantasy novels published at Tellerup Publishing.
I own the company Pen & Pondus, an online course business that offers online writing courses and courses about creating and launching profitable online courses through email marketing.
So far, my courses are available in Danish only.
I have taught more than 1440 aspiring authors.
Besides the online courses, I do offer 1 on 1 coaching on writing and online business and I am happy to help you, too!